GB whatsapp is free of any penny and hence user need not to pay even once to enjoy this much features. Like in GB Whatsapp one can easily change theme, or set online status or also can hide the double tick option to keep privacy at another level. Here in GB Whatsapp developers have tried to give user some more hidden features. GB Whatsapp is more likeley the advance whatsapp version. So why not download GB Whatsapp and enjoy a hell lot of extra functionalities and support in your simple whatsapp messenger. GB Whatsapp can be considered as a pro version of whatsapp with so many features. However GB Whatsapp is there to resolve this problem. Many features are not open for public user. ALong with these few facilities Whatsapp also takes a lot of user data. t has been widely used to communicate through chats, video calls, voice messages and to share files of any sort including pictures, pdfs, link etc. Whatsapp is the most used social communication channel.